Dr Naomi Thompson (Goldsmiths University) and Dr Lucie Shuker (Youthscape Centre for Research) will share the findings of their recent research, exploring the role of religion, faith and spirituality in youth work training on JNC recognised youth work courses in England.
The authors surveyed the leaders of 30 youth-work courses and analysed course descriptions available online, seeking to understand where religion, faith and spirituality are present and absent, and how they are perceived.
Join the authors and their guests, as they reflect on whether JNC-recognised programmes in English universities are equipping youth workers to work with diverse religious communities, and what the implications for future training might be.
Digital copies of the report will be available for free on the day of the event.
This research and event is supported by Youth and Policy and The Professional Association of Lecturers in Youth and Community Work.
Wednesday May 19th at 10.30 PM AEDT (1.30 PM UK TIME)